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Client Proposition

Our client service proposition is to:

  1. Understand your goals
    What do you wish to achieve from your cash, investments, pensions and assets?
  2. Develop the right strategy to achieve those goals
    Put a plan in place to achieve those goals.
  3. Minimise any taxation consequences
    Tax efficiency is crucial and this relates to the three main forms of personal taxation being income, capital gains and inheritance.
  4. Minimise risks
    We assess what level of risk you are comfortable taking with your capital (if any) and potential returns and cater accordingly. Why take more risk than you need to?
  5. Communicate in a clear and understandable manner
    Ensure your understanding of our recommendations by avoiding overcomplicated proposals and jargon.
  6. Develop an appropriate investment strategy
    The key is to have a clear process, structure and discipline
  7. Monitor progress towards achieving objectives
    Are you still on course to achieve your goals?
  8. Review the strategy regularly
    Is the agreed strategy working for you, are you comfortable with it and have there been any changes in your circumstances which require a change in strategy?

Independent Investment Associates Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority

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